The posters

Monday, 2 June 2008

On the nightwalk

Here are some images from the nightwalk, which launched the project on April 12th 2008 - the sequence of images shows the part of the walk after leaving Marsh Barton (for more images see the website.)

Walking into Brook Road, where it became very dark, with no street lights or ambient light.

on the ground

Things on the ground en route - broken tree, and explosion of road paint

Salmon Pool Bridge

Going across Salmon Pool Bridge, over the canal. It was very dark on the other side.

Fork in the road

On Salmon Pool Lane therre is a fork in the road, either side of a hedge-island. We chose the right hand fork on this occasion

Second Half/impromptu bit of the nightwalk

The nightwalk route officially ended at the Bus Stop on Topsham Road, near the top of Salmon Pool Lane. However, we continued on back towards Exeter City Centre led by a spontaneous guide who said he knew a good route.

Shortcut through County Hall

Though it was night, and the workers of County Hall had long since gone home, our 'spontaneous guide' knew that a shortcut through County Hall was still possible. We walked through brightly lit Cloister type corridors, pathways and passages that cut through the buildings and grounds, from front to back.

Protestant Martyrs

At the Protestant Martyr's Memorial, where Phil told us the history of the Protestant Martyrs in Exeter

Princess Hay

coming into the new Pricess Hay Shopping Centre

Gandy Street

Nearly at the end of the second half/impromptu bit of the nightwalk: on Gandy Street, Masonic Hall